by DIC Japan
Alumina as additive to improve the thermal conductivity
Alumina as additive to improve the thermal conductivity. We understand the following materials as direct competition to our material:
- spheric alumina (sph Al)
- AlN
- BN
Our products in platelet shape are produced by Japanese DIC. We see the following advantages to established materials:
- less wear of the screw
- much better mechanical properties of the compound
- better thermal conductiveness up to 1.7W/m*K at 40% filling rate
Current sph Al is consumed by more than 10,000MT/a worldwide. Our commercial available platelet grade AP-10 has higher cost than sph Al, finds however even today application i.e. in mixture with sph Al to improve the meachanical properties at a moderate increase of compound price.
Compared to AlN and BN the price difference is smaller. It is expected that the better abrasion properties and the still higher heat conductivity are the reason to shift to platelet Al.
Looking for materials with specific technical properties? Or alternatives that still meet your needs? Just contact us! Our technical advisers are here for developments, testing, advising, and much more!
Meerbuscher Str. 64-78 Haus 6A
40670 Meerbusch (Germany)
Phone: +49-2159-815 31-0
Fax: +49-2159-815 31-29
E-MAIL: info@dreyplas.com